sábado, 9 de enero de 2016


By Nibaldo Calvo Buides
 Louisville, Kentucky (USA)
·        Level Upper intermediate or Advanced.
·        Lessons: 4
·        Fee by lesson: $20.00
·        Frequency: One lesson per week (one hour each one).
·        Contact: director@nibaldocalvo.com 
This program is aimed towards students and business professionals who want to explore a topic related to the particular business, in Spanish. If you want to acquire the language skills necessary to communicate in business and legal situations, this is the perfect lessons for you.
I will provide you all containing the vocabulary and structures necessary to interact with clients and colleagues in the target language. You will be provided with lists of specific business vocabulary and given several informative handouts dealing with the economic situations of Latin America.
 Some of the Business Spanish topics I will cover throughout this lessons may include:
•Trade relations
•Marketing and advertising
•International trade
•The stock market
•The tourism industry
 About me:
Journalist, Writer, author, Economist and Chess Expert with International Rating. Bachelors degree in Economics at University of Havana, Cuba.  Diploma at International Institute of Journalism “Jose Marti, Habana, Cuba. Spanish teacher at private schools in Kentucky (USA) and also tutor.

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